Engraving Dog Tags

Posted on July 16, 2020 at 2:35 pm

Dog tags are one of the most popular items to be engraved. There are however a few things you will need to consider before engraving dog tags.

The first thing you will need to consider is what you want to be included on the dog tag. The most popular are dogs name, address and owners phone number. They do not all need to be included, however, a must is the owners’ phone number or a simple ‘I’m Microchipped’.
Once you have decided what is going to be engraved on the tag, you will be able to decide the style. There are many different styles of dog tags which you can use. From different shapes and colours. You will just need to ensure all of the information will fit.

Take the time when designing a dog tag to be engraved. Make sure everything is perfect before you make the final product.

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