Engraved Metal Tobacco Tins

Posted on February 27, 2016 at 6:12 pm

Nowadays smoking is an outdoor pursuit. So keeping your cigarettes and associated tobacco stored securely is close to a necessity.

Not only can a tobacco tin be used for storing tobacco though, it can be used to store rolling papers, matches or filters. This is especially useful for smokers who want to keep all of these things packaged together in a convenient way.

While the tins are highly functional, they can also be customised with an engraving. This can give a tobacco tin an extra level of personalisation. Any kind of message or image can be engraved onto a tin, which is great when giving them as gifts, either personally or professionally.

A common choice is to engrave some ones initials or full surname, and their date of birth. This gives the tin a truly personalised and thoughtful message. Which is popular between families, friends and loved ones.


Posted in Engraving