Mastering Flowing Engraving Designs

Posted on July 19, 2015 at 6:17 pm

When engraving a design a technique many professional engravers use is to keep the engraving flowing. Designing and etching in a way which looks like it was done with a paintbrush, as opposed to an engraving machine.

To create an engraving in this way the engraver will need to master the art of creating designs in single and simple strokes. Using the engraving machine in a manner similar to drawing a flowing line of ink, but with the tools of an engraver.

This may be a seemingly straight forward process, but it can take many months for an engraver to master. Engraving machines are usually used to make sturdy, intentional designs. Creating more flowing designs goes against the nature of the machine and is difficult to pull off.

But it is worth the effort. An engraving designed in this way will have a unique feel to it, a style that evokes the manner in which it was created.

Posted in Engraving